Modern Methods of Observing Earthquakes: What We Have Learned about Haiti and Chile using Seismology and Space Observations
Thursday, March 30, 2010
8:00 - 9:30 P.M. Lecture
Beckman Auditorium, California Institute of Technology
Lucile Jones - Chief Scientist, Multi Hazards Project - U. S. Geological Survey, Pasadena Visiting Associate - Geology and Planetary Sciences (GPS) Division, Caltech
Mark Simons - Professor of Geophysics, Caltech (pdf)
Anthony Sladen - Research Seismologist, Caltech
Rich Briggs - Research Geologist, U.S. Geological Survey, Golden, Colorado
Ken Hudnut - Geophysicist, U. S. Geological Survey, & Visiting Assoc. in GPS Division, Caltech
Eric Fielding - Research Scientist at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory
This public lecture provided an overview of the results obtained from analyzing the information gathered on the recent earthquakes which struck Haiti (January 12, Mw 7.0) and Chile (February 27, Mw 8.8). We discussed what has been learned on those earthquakes from seismology, observations made from satellite systems and field observations. We also discussed how space techniques could in the future improve earthquakes monitoring and help mitigate their effects.