
Extreme planetary environments represent the next frontier for in-situ robotic space exploration. Missions for exploration will be followed by robotic missions for exploitation, and by manned missions. All these missions have one common problem: harsh, extreme environments (EE), where temperature, radiation, and other factors make the missions inconceivable at present. We propose to study an enabling capability for operation in EE, a solution applicable to all types of missions, which is to project and control a favorable micro-environment in the local area where exploration, exploitation or human visits will take place. The systems that could provide such a capability are 'Energy Projecting Systems'. The name suggests their two key properties: they transform the environment, and they adapt to needs by shape change/transformation. This short course will lay the foundations of the key elements of this new technology.

An informal lunch will be provided to all short course attendees. There is no fee to attend, and no registration is required. Seating is available on a first come, first served basis.

Short Course Presentations

Jim Lyke,
Air Force Research Laboratory

Reconfigurable Electronics and Advanced Packaging
(1.4 MB pdf)

Harish Manohara,

MEMS for Deployables
(9.89 MB pdf)

Howard Bloom

Gardening the Solar System
(6.96 MB pdf)