Short Course Presentations

Anna Michalak
Carnegie Institute for Science
Estimating Fluxes in the Carbon Cycle
Derek Posselt
Observing Meteorology Across Scales
Kenneth Davis
Pennsylvania State University
Plot to continent: Reflections from studying the terrestrial carbon cycle at multiple scales
Junjie Liu

Maximizing the role of atmospheric CO2 observations in shaping carbon cycle science and carbon-climate policy

Quantifying Emissions through Greenhouse Gases and Transport short course poster


Talk 1 – "Estimating Fluxes in the Carbon Cycle" – Anna Michalak, Carnegie Institution for Science

  • The need for understanding of both anthropogenic and natural emissions and uptake of greenhouse gases
  • Uncertainties in the fate of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions and associated challenges
  • The use of atmospheric observations to provide key insights into flux variability

Talk 2 – "Observing Meteorology Across Scales" – Derek Posselt, JPL

  • Observations of meteorological variables that are currently made from ground, air, and space
  • What we know about the observing system of the 2030’s and beyond
  • Current gaps in information (especially on winds)
  • Observations of winds and thermodynamic quantities (pressure, temperature, water vapor), including how these connect with sources and transport of GHGs.

Talk 3 – "Plot to continent: Reflections from studying the terrestrial carbon cycle at multiple scales" – Ken Davis, Pennsylvania State University

  • The importance of atmospheric data and greenhouse gas flux audits
  • Measuring regional fluxes from the atmosphere given intensive observations, complementing flux towers as test beds.
  • The need to develop process-level understanding from well-measured, typical systems – testbeds, rich in multi-scale observations.
  • The need for observations to build model ensembles and the role of both flux and weather ensembles for atmospheric inversions.
  • The challenge of weather and the importance of data beyond atmospheric measurements.

Talk 4 – "Maximizing the role of atmospheric CO2 observations in shaping carbon cycle science and carbon-climate policy" – Junjie Liu, JPL

  • Atmospheric CO2 concentration as the ultimate measure of the changes in the natural carbon cycle and the impact of climate policies.
  • The challenges in using atmospheric CO2 observations
  • Pathways to maximize the role of atmospheric CO2 observations in addressing carbon cycle science questions and shaping carbon-climate policy