
  • Valerie Fox - Caltech
    Big Planets, Big Questions, Big Data: Planetary Remote Sensing Data Challenges

    Goal: Provide an overview of planetary remote sensing and exploration, and the types of questions that need a paradigm change in exploration models to answer
    • Introduction to remote sensing - how we use the electromagnetic spectrum to explore the solar system
    • Scale and scope of extant data sets for the terrestrial planets
    • Outstanding decadal scale questions in space science
    • Current exploration models (i.e. how an orbiter collects data or how a rover collects data, and identify growth points and constraints)

  • Rich Doyle - JPL
    Reinventing the Role of Computing in Space

    Goal: Describe future space mission needs for flight computing, current investments by NASA and the USAF, and relate to cloud computing across the solar system
    • Future space mission needs for more capable flight computing with strategic possibilities, for both science and human spaceflight
    • High Performance Spaceflight Computing (HPSC) – a joint investment by NASA and the USAF
    • Technical and architectural advantages of HPSC, with use cases
    • Status of HPSC development
    • How HPSC supports the Nebulae vision

  • Les Deutsch - JPL
    Today’s Deep Space Communications System: The Earth-Based Elements

    Goal: Provide a common understanding of the current system, providing a baseline from which we can start
    • Today’s deep space communications Earth terminals - including the Deep Space Network (DSN)
    • How do we move data between deep space to scientists
    • The NASA Planetary Data System (PDS)
    • Scheduling every bit
    • Scalability (or lack thereof)

  • Jason Tichy - NVIDIA
    Lukas Mandrake - JPL
    Future Computing Architectures for Signal Processing, AI, and Autonomy for Space Vehicles

    Goal: Introduction to how sensor data is being processed today and how it is informing architectures in the future
    • The need for compute is exploding, on the ground and in the sky
    • Limitations of the current space architecture
    • What needs to improve in order to make next generation advancements in space
    • Autonomy drivers (data prioritization, agile reaction, experimental design, anomaly detection, change detection)

Short Course Presentations

Valerie Fox

Big Planets, Big Questions, Big Data:
Planetary Remote Sensing Data Challenges
(76.5 MB .pdf)

Rich Doyle

Reinventing the Role of Computing in Space
(9 MB .pdf)

Les Deutsch

Today’s Deep Space Communications System:
The Earth-Based Elements
(3.4 MB .pdf)

Jason Tichy (NVIDIA) and Lukas Mandrake (JPL)

Future Computing Architectures for Signal Processing, AI, and Autonomy for Space Vehicles
(1.3 MB .pdf)
(38.3 MB .pdf)