2021 Funding Opportunity for KISS-Related Space Topics 2021 Funding Opportunity for KISS-Related Space Topics

Release Date: 07 December 2023

Proposal Due Date: 19 January 2024


The Wilf Family Discovery Fund in Space Science, Planetary Science and Astrobiology is accepting proposals to fund one 2024 grant totaling up to $160k (direct cost) for innovative, early-stage research in all areas of space science, planetary science and astrobiology. The funding is designated for efforts on Campus (with Campus personnel), and the period of performance is two years.

Proposals submitted in response to this solicitation must have a Caltech Campus Principal Investigator (PI) who is a member of the faculty.

A selection will be made by mid-March 2024. Proposers should plan to commence on 1 April 2024.

Proposal Requirements

Proposals can be in any format but are required to provide the information outlined below. The Program Description and Rationale is limited to 3 pages in length. If references are utilized, they may be provided outside of the 3-page limit. The budget is also outside the 3-page limit.

Program Description and Rationale (3-page limit)

  • Top of Page:
    • Proposal Title:
    • Proposal Budget Amount: up to $160k (direct cost)
    • Proposed Period of Performance: two years from funding start date
    • Campus PI Information:
      • Name:
      • Email:
      • Campus Extension:
      • Division:
  • Brief summary of proposal topic - 1 paragraph (i.e. what do you propose to do?)
  • Description of how the proposed work is an innovative, early-stage research effort in an area of space science, planetary science and astrobiology
  • What is a successful outcome of the proposed work, and what would it allow you to do that is not currently possible?
  • List of personnel involved (may include key individuals from JPL or other institutions who are not funded by this proposal)

References: outside of 3-page limit

Proposed Budget: outside of 3-page limit, see example.

Email your Proposal submission here

Please submit your proposals via email by 19 January 2024.

Deliverables and Requirements

A brief progress report is due at the completion of the first year of funding.

A brief final report is due at the completion of the period of performance in the award letter. 

If requested, a short presentation of the results of the work shall be given to the donor.

This award must be acknowledged appropriately in all publications referencing the work. If selected, an acknowledgement statement will be provided.


Additional Proposal/Budget Information

  • Tuition remission rate is 49% unless new rate has taken effect.
  • Benefit rate is 25.26% unless new rate has taken efect.
  • Budget may not include faculty salary.
  • The funding is in direct cost, i.e., there will be no overhead as this will be deducted prior to your receipt of funds.
  • Funding should not go to non-Campus organizations through a sub-award. JPL and other Institutions can participate as a consultant/advisor or the proposer can show linkages at other organizations that complement the Campus work proposed.
  • There is no need to route this through the Division as the Division Chairs are part of the approval process.
  • This does not need to go through the Office of Sponsored Research.