Quantifying the Sources and Sinks of Atmospheric CO2

February 28 - March 5, 2010
California Institute of Technology - Pasadena, CA 91125

Final Report

Workshop Overview:

Can top-down estimates of carbon dioxide (CO2) fluxes resolve the anthropogenic emissions of China, India, the United States, and the European Union with an accuracy of plus or minus 10% or better?

The workshop “Monitoring Exchange of Carbon Dioxide” was convened at the Keck Institute for Space Studies in Pasadena, California in February 2010 to address this question. The Workshop brought together an international, interdisciplinary group of 24 experts in carbon cycle science, remote sensing, emissions inventory estimation, and inverse modeling. The participants reviewed the potential of spacebased and sub‐orbital observational and modeling approaches to monitor anthropogenic CO2 emissions in the presence of much larger natural fluxes from the exchange of CO2 between the land, atmosphere, and ocean.

This particular challenge was motivated in part by the NRC Report “Verifying Greenhouse Gas Emissions” [Pacala et al., 2010]. This workshop report includes several recommendations for improvements to observing strategies and modeling frameworks for optimal and cost‐effective monitoring of carbon exchange.The study will evaluate how well current and near-term missions designed to demonstrate accurate atmospheric CO2 remote sensing (e.g. SCIAMACHY, AIRS, GOSAT, and ACCENDS) can constrain emissions and sinks of CO2 and other greenhouse gases.

Workshop Participants:

  • David Baker - Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere, Colorado State University
  • Kevin Bowman - JPL
  • Mous Chahine - JPL
  • David Crisp - JPL
  • Phil DeCola - White House Office of Science and Technology Policy
  • Paul E Dimotakis - Caltech/JPL
  • Riley Duren - JPL
  • Inez Fung - UC Berkeley
  • Mike Gunson - JPL
  • Kevin Gurney - Purdue University
  • Randy Kawa - NASA
  • Gretchen Keppel-Aleks - California Institute of Technology
  • Le Kuai - California Institute of Technology
  • Junjie Liu - University of California, Berkeley
  • Gregg Marland - Oak Ridge National Laboratory
  • Galen McKinley - University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Janina Messerschmidt - University of Bremen
  • Anna Michalak - University of Michigan
  • Charles Miller - JPL
  • Ray Nassar - University of Toronto
  • Tom Prince - Caltech
  • Jim Randerson - UC Irvine
  • Peter Rayner - Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement (LSCE)
  • Chris Sabine - NOAA/PMEL
  • Pieter Tans - NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory
  • Helen Wang - Harvard
  • Paul Wennberg - Caltech
  • Debra Wunch - Caltech
  • Yuk Yung - Caltech

Short Course Presentations

Inez Fung
UC Berkeley

Carbon Cycle: What do we know? What else do we want to know?

Junjie Liu
UC Berkeley

Introduction to data assimilation and the applications of EnKF to carbon data assimilation

Peter Rayner

Treaty Verification and the Atmosphere

Workshop Presentations

Gregg Marland
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Atmospheric Emissions of Carbon Dioxide from Fossil Fuels: Some Thoughts on the Magnitude and Distribution of Emissions and the Uncertainty of Emissions Estimates

Galen McKinley
University of Wisconsin

Air-Sea CO2 Fluxes: Climatology, Variability and Land-Ocean Links

Chris Sabine

Uptake and Storage of Anthropogenic Carbon

Pieter Tans

In-situ measurements of CO2: Calibration, error estimates, role of in-situ chemical measurements, quantification of fossil fuel emissions

Steven Wofsy
Harvard University

The critical role of fine-grained atmospheric data in determining the rates of transport, sources, and sinks of greenhouse gases across the globe