Workshop: Humans, Robots, Space & The Future of Connectedness

September 1 - 2, 2021
California Institute of Technology - Pasadena, CA 91125

Workshop Map

Workshop Overview:

JPL, in collaboration with Caltech and the Keck Institute for Space Studies, is participating in a yearlong celebration of art and science through The Getty's Pacific Standard Time initiative, opening in 2024.

Humans, Robots, Space, and the Future of Connectedness

What is the future of the human connection to each other, to machinery, to the universe? Psychologists use the level of one's “connectedness” as a shorthand measure of mental health. The pandemic has shown us that personal connectedness can decrease in some areas and expand in others. Human and robotic space exploration presents us with a potential future where people, places, and things connect in newly imagined ways.

  • How can we enable relationships across billions of miles?
  • How can we enable companionship during isolation?
  • How can we enable scientists to more deeply connect with their research?
  • How can we allow the public to connect with NASA discoveries?
  • How can we make science richer?

This project brings artists and scientists together to explore the sensory interpretation of NASA science data. This project aims to provide greater access to planets, moons, and stars by providing greater (sensory and experiential) access to the data. Imagine if we could make the data felt, or heard. What if we could feel a Marsquake? Or feel the ocean temperatures on TRAPPIST-1d?

How can we enable the connectedness in the experiences we create?


Refik Anodol - Art, Data, Machine Learning

Saskia Wilson Brown - Olfaction 

Danielle Krettek Cobb - Empathy

Amy Crawford - Music and Emotion

Josh Goldblum - Experience Design, Storytelling

Bjarke Ingels - Architect, BIG 

Glenn Kaino - Artist and Magician 

Prathima Muniyappa - Indiginous Perspectives

Shane Myrbeck - Sound and Meaning

Seth Shostak - Senior Astronomer SETI 

Nathan Smith - Trust & Security

Marco Tempest - Technology & Magic

NIck Tidball - Robotic Companions for Explorers

Anjali Tripathi - Science and Policy

Liam Young - Speculative Architecture, Storytelling

Victoria Vesna - Data and Art

Reggie Watts - Comedian, Musician

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

8:00 - 8:30


8:30 - 10:00


Present Goals and Schedule
Around the table - Favorite Concepts/ Themes

Team Leads

10:00 - 11:30

Speaker Session 4

  • Robotic Companions for Explorers
  • Trust and Security
Steve Tidball
Nathan Smith
11:30 - 1:00

Lunch - Something Fun (Tour of Chen Building)

Harvey Fineberg - Moore Foundation
1:00 - 2:30

Speaker Session 5

  • Science and Policy
  • Music and Emotion
  • Sound and Meaning

Anjali Tripathi

Amy Crawford

Shane Myrebeck

2:30 - 3:00


3:00 - 4:30

Add stickies to wall from this day
Assess themes as a group. What are we missing? Should they change?


4:30 - 5:00

Open Discussion

How do we frame these themes in a way that allows for experimentation and

5:00 Reception

Thursday, September 2, 2021

8:00 - 8:30


8:30 - 10:00

Down-Select themes

Brainstorm 2-5 bullet points on how themes are relevant to JPL?
What data sets could apply to these themes?
Again - How do we frame these themes in a way that allows for
experimentation and play?


10:00 - 11:30

Speaker Session 6

  • Olfaction
  • Data and Art
  • Indiginous Perspectives

Saskia Wilson Brown

Victoria Vesna

Prathima Muniyappa

11:30 - 1:00


Activity with Brian Brophy

1:00 - 2:30

Speaker Session 7

  • Astronomy
  • Empathy
  • Experience Design, Storytelling

Evgenya Shkolnik

Danielle Krettek Cobb

Josh Goldblum


2:30 - 3:00 Break
3:00 - 4:30

Finalize Themes

Add stickies to wall from this day
Assess themes as a group.
What are we missing?
Should they change?
What is the story that joins them together?




End of workshop

Workshop Participants:

  • Bruce Banerdt - JPL 
  • Brian Brophy - Caltech
  • Laurie Cantillo - JPL
  • Kalind Carpenter - JPL
  • Liz Barrio De La Torre - JPL
  • David Delgado - JPL
  • Dan Goods - JPL
  • Michael Greene - JPL
  • Rachel Etheredge - JPL
  • Lois Kim - JPL
  • Carl Marziali - JPL
  • Kat Park - JPL
  • David Levine - JPL
  • Paul Propster - JPL
  • David Rager - JPL
  • Shinsuke Shimojo - Caltech
  • Rishi Verma - JPL
  • Josh Willis - JPL