Workshop: Next-Generation Planetary Geodesy

June 7 - 11, 2021
California Institute of Technology - Pasadena, CA 91125

Workshop Overview:

Geodesy — the study of a planet’s shape, orientation, and gravity field — is one of the most powerful methods for investigating the formation, evolution, structure, and active processes of Solar System bodies.  Geodetic measurements from robotic missions to distant worlds have revealed oceans of liquid water within icy moons, probed the atmospheric dynamics of gas giants, and characterized the deep structure of terrestrial worlds.  The power of geodesy is best demonstrated at the Earth and Moon, where spacecraft missions have transformed geodesy from a purely geophysical tool into one that unlocks advances in geology, climate change, hydrology, geochemistry, and more.

While geodesy in the Earth-Moon system has flourished, geodesy of other worlds has lagged behind.  Closing this gap would revolutionize planetary science.  New geodetic data could be used to locate hidden water resources on Mars, test how mantle dynamics operate in the absence of plate tectonics on Venus, explore the habitability of oceans on Europa and Enceladus, and address many other high-priority questions in planetary science.  Therefore, the objectives of our studies are: to (1) Identify the transformative science that would be enabled by next-generation geodesy at Mars, Venus, and Ocean Worlds, and (2) Identify the new technologies and mission architectures needed to achieve these scientific advances.

We will host two workshops to study the science enabled by and technologies needed for measurements of a world’s static gravity, time-variable gravity, and surface deformations.  We will focus on Mars, Venus, and Ocean Worlds of the outer solar system, and consider technologies such as spacecraft-to-spacecraft ranging, gradiometers, and the deployment of retroreflectors and radio beacons on planetary surfaces.  Our study’s final report will provide a roadmap for the development of NASA planetary geodesy missions.

Monday, June 7, 2021

Welcome, Earth and Moon, Provocative Question Session

7:45 - 8:00

Pop into Gather Town, check out the announcement board, meet up with your early time zone colleagues or explore the new rooms in Gather Town.

8:00 - 9:00

Overview of day

Michele Judd
Mike Sori

9:00 - 9:20

Topical talk: Cutting edge geodesy/geophysics at the Moon
(15 min + 5 Q&A)

Maria Zuber /
David Smith
9:20 - 9:40

Topical talk: Cutting edge geodesy/geophysics at the Earth
(15 min + 5 Q&A)

Carmen Boening
9:40 - 10:10

Long break

10:10 - 11:10

Provocative Questions: Virtual white board session

Anton Ermakov
11:10 - 11:20 Short break

11:20 - Noon

Report back from Provocative Questions, Selection of Breakout Groups

Noon - 12:45


12:45 - 1:45 Breakout Sessions All
1:45 - 2:00 Report back from breakout Breakout Session Leads
2:00 - 2:30 Group Activity/Happy Hour in Gather Town Rathskeller All
2:30 - 5:00 Gather Town remains open for:
- Homework & Research (group / individual activity)
- Setting up informal conversations/collaborations
5:00 End of Day 1

Tuesday, June 8, 2021


7:45 - 8:00

Pop into Gather Town, check out the announcement board, meet up with your early time zone colleagues or explore the new rooms in Gather Town.

8:00 - 8:10

Logistics, Overview of day

Michele Judd
Mike Sori

8:10 - 8:30

Topical talk: Polar science from gravity and topography
(15 min + 5 min Q&A)

Luju Ojha
8:30 - 9:00

3 Lightning talks: (5 min each + 2 min Q&A each)

  • Global dichotomy

  • Plate tectonics

  • Human exploration

Mike Sori
Sonia Tikoo
Ali Bramson
9:00 - 9:30


9:30 - 10:00

3 Lightning talks: (5 min each + 2 min Q&A each)

  • Deep Interior

  • Climate / Atmosphere

  • SmallSats at Mars

Renee Weber
Bruce Bills
Simone D’Amico
10:00 - 11:30

Breakout session

11:30 - 12:30 Lunch
12:30 - 1:00 Breakout room reports
(5 min each + 5 min Q&A each)
1:00 - 1:55 Group Discussion All
1:55 - 2:00 Flood chat – favorite thing you learned today All
2:00 - 5:00 Gather Town remains open for:
- Homework & Research (group / individual activity)
- Setting up informal conversations/collaborations
5:00 End of Day 2

Wednesday, June 9, 2021


7:45 - 8:00

Pop into Gather Town, check out the announcement board, meet up with your early time zone colleagues or explore the new rooms in Gather Town.

8:00 - 8:15

Logistics, Overview of day

Michele Judd
Anton Ermakov

8:15 - 8:35

Topical talk: Big-picture geodesy at Venus (15 min + 5 min Q&A)

Sue Smrekar
8:35 - 9:30

6 Lightning talks: (5 min each + 2 min Q&A each)
• Venus Atmosphere

• Tectonics, mantle dynamics and surface deformation
• Solid Body and Loading Tides
• SmallSats at Venus
• Gradiometry
• Seismology from Balloons on Venus

Tom Navarro
Peter James
Harriet Lau
Joe O'Rourke
Ho Jung Paik
Siddharth Krishnamoorthy
9:30 - 9:35

Sign up for Breakout Rooms

9:35 - 10:00

Group Break

10:00 - 11:30

Breakout rooms by target investigation (e.g., Aerial and Lander Geodesy at Venus, Gradiometry, and SmallSats)

11:30 - 12:30 Lunch Break

12:30 - 1:00

Breakout room reports (5 min each + 5 min Q&A each)

Breakout Session Leads
1:00 - 1:55

Group Discussion

1:55 - 2:00 Group Flood Chat All
2:00 - 2:10 Lightning talk on DSAC
Todd Ely
2:10 - 5:00 Gather Town remains open for:
- Homework & Research (group / individual activity)
- Setting up informal conversations/collaborations
5:00 End of Day 3

Thursday, June 10, 2021


7:45 - 8:00

Pop into Gather Town, check out the announcement board, meet up with your early time zone colleagues or explore the new rooms in Gather Town.

8:00 - 8:15

Logistics, Overview of day

Michele Judd
James Keane

8:15 - 8:35

Topical talk: Interior Structure of Ocean Worlds
(15 min + 5 min Q&A)

Doug Hemingway
8:35 - 8:55

Topical talk: Ocean Dynamics Within Ocean Worlds
(15 min + 5 min Q&A)

Krista Soderlund
8:55 - 9:55

6 Lightning talks: (5 min each + 2 min Q&A each)

  • Ages of the Saturnian Moons
  • Geodesy and Habitability
  • Ocean Worlds SmallSats + InSar
  • Tidal Heating
  • Orbital Stability
  • Imaging Geodesy
Jim Fuller
Francis Nimmo
Mark Simons
Carver Bierson
Sonia Hernandez
Ryan Park
9:55 - 10:00

Sign up for Breakout Rooms

10:00 - 10:30


10:30 - 12:00 Breakout Session 

12:00 - 1:00


1:00 - 1:30

Breakout room report outs 

Breakout Session Leads
1:30 - 1:55 Group Discussion All
1:55 - 2:00

Flood Chat – favorite thing you learned today

2:00 - 5:00 Gather Town remains open for:
- Homework & Research (group / individual activity)
- Setting up informal conversations/collaborations
5:00 End of Day 4

Friday, June 11, 2021

Plans for the future

7:45 - 8:00

Pop into Gather Town, check out the announcement board, meet up with your early time zone colleagues or explore the new rooms in Gather Town.

8:00 - 8:15

Logistics, Overview of day

Michele Judd
Mike Sori
Anton Ermakov
James Keane

8:15 - 8:45

Advocacy lessons learned and discussion

8:45 - 9:00 Team Leads present out plan for remainder of study, and get feedback Team Leads
9:00 - 10:15

Breakout sessions

10:15 - 10:20

Be in GATHER TOWN for a group exercise (5 mins! You can do it! )

10:20 - 10:45


10:45 - 11:15

Breakout reports

Breakout Session Leads
11:15 - 11:45

Group Discussion and Individual Reflections and Commitment

11:45 - Noon

Workshop closeout

12:00 - 1:00

Pizza Lunch

1:00 - 2:00

Writing Assignments

2:00 - 5:00

Gather Town remains open for: informal chats/collaborations

5:00 End of Workshop

Workshop Participants:

  • Alexander Berne – Caltech
  • Carver Bierson – ASU
  • Bruce Bills – JPL
  • Carmen Boening - JPL
  • Ali Bramson – Purdue University
  • Simone D'Amico – Stanford University
  • C. Adeene Denton – Purdue University
  • Anton Ermakov – UC Berkeley
  • Alex Evans – Brown University
  • Doug Hemingway – Maxar Technologies
  • Sonia Hernandez – JPL
  • Kristina Hogstrom – JPL
  • Kristel Izquierdo Gonzalez – Purdue University
  • Peter James – Baylor University
  • Brandon Johnson – Purdue University
  • James Keane – JPL
  • Harriet Lau – UC Berkeley
  • Thomas Navarro – McGill University
  • Francis Nimmo – UC Santa Cruz
  • Joseph (Joe)Rourke – Arizona State University
  • Luju Ojha – Rutgers University
  • Ho Jung Paik – University of Maryland
  • Ryan Park – JPL
  • Mark Simons – Caltech
  • David E. Smith – MIT
  • Sue Smrekar – JPL
  • Krista Soderlund – University of Texas
  • Mike Sori – Purdue University
  • Gregor Steinbrügge – Stanford University
  • Sonia Tikoo – Stanford University
  • Nick Wagner – Baylor University
  • Renee Weber – NASA MSFC
  • Maria Zuber – MIT