Symposium: DaMaSC II - Dark Matter in Southern California

September 24, 2013

Hameetman Auditorium - Cahill Building, 1st Floor
California Institute of Technology - Pasadena, CA 91125

The second edition of the DaMaSC symposium series will focus on cosmological and astrophysical aspects of dark matter, with an eye on how these probes can be complementary to direct and collider searches. Breaking the language barrier between particle physicists and astronomers is a major goal of this symposium, as is to address how current and future cosmological and astrophysical datasets can inform the dark matter question. 

This symposium is open to all interested faculty, researchers and students in the Southern California area (and beyond!).

Coffee breaks, lunch, and a wine-and-cheese reception will be provided for all attendees.

Symposium Presentations

Jonathan Feng
UC Irvine

Dark Matter and its Particle Properties 
(2.4 MB pdf)
Roland de Putter
Going Beyond WIMP Dark Matter with Large Scale Structure 
(6.5 MB pdf)

Francis-Yan Cyr-Racine

Cosmological Signatures of Interacting Dark Matter 
(20 MB pdf)

James Bullock
UC Irvine
Where to look for Dark Matter weirdness 
(6.5 MB pdf)

Richard Murray

Andrew Benson

Carnegie Institution for Science

Mitch Ingham

Francis-Yan Cyr-Racine


Jennifer Siegal-Gaskins

Jennifer Siegal-Gaskins


Annika Peter

Annika Peter                

Ohio State University

Leonidas Moustakas

Leonidas Moustakas